Friday, May 9, 2014

The Hot Girl's Guide to Wearing Pantyliners

Hey Amanda,

I'm 3 years late to the Pinterest party; I know. It's simultaneously far more brilliant and exactly as inane as I thought it was.  At some points its solving life's most persistent questions, but there's lots of things on there that beg questions of the letter F. 

Not least of all:

Pantyliners in armpits. 

Now, I hate pit stains. But, pantyliners. Really? The correct answer is chemistry.

The active ingredient in your antiperspirant is an aluminum compound-- aluminum zirconium or aluminum chloride. And aluminum is also used to produce bright yellow dyes such as FD&C Yellow 5 Aluminum Lake. Coincidence? I think not.

via Etsy
So if you hate pit stains to the point you're willing to put scratchy paper under your arm with adhesive that's definitely not strong enough to hold it in place and risk shedding a pantyliner out of your sleeve in the middle of dinner.....maybe you should switch to deodorant. 

Deodorants sans antiperspirant are, unfortunately, a lot harder to find as a lady than as a man. You can certainly find some in the wealthy-hypochondriac section of your super market like Tom's of Maine or Crystal brand deodorants. But if you're cheap like me, you can snag some Old Spice when it's on sale for $2. 

Now, I think it's kinda weird that we have gendered smells at all, but don't worry. There are some Old Spice scents that have gotten in touch with their feminine side. Names like "PunchaShark" are definitely compensating. 

There are two kinds of Old Spice

Currently on my dresser is Wolfthorn which to my nose has notes of pink grapefruit and pineapple. Bearglove is also decidedly on the Posh side of Old Spice if you're looking for suggestions. It's hard to label things in the scent saturated deodorant aisle, but I thought it smelled like coconut and citrus. Most of the Wild series are fruity smells. 

I haven't used antiperspirant in over a year and half, and I can honestly say I have never noticed being any wetter. I have noticed that none of my undershirts have any pit staining. And I never wear pantyliners on my shirt. 


Complicated Solutions:n. Usually synonymous with bad solutions, especially in cases where the problem is relatively straight forward. see also Occam's Razor. 
By the way, the "American's space pen/Russian's pencil" story isn't true

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