Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hi Steph,
  I've written a total of three posts and thought about several others before settling on this post. Let's hope by the end of writing this one I'm still excited about sharing it.
         Being a born and bred Texan, I hate being cold. I hate being stuck outside, unknowing of when I'll be back inside again. Every year since I've moved to the mountainous area of the US, I start fearing winter about this time of year. I can start to fill it chilling my feet, pinching my arms, and frosting my hands, and I want to run as fast as I can to the South. But I must be a slow learner because unlike Texas, there are four whole seasons where I live now. Not just summer and winter. So September is actually where fall begins, not winter. I'm just figuring this out. While I'm not anywhere near whining about the long heat of summer--like pretty much everyone I know--I am starting to get excited about autumn. I think I've been prepping myself well for the fall season (note, I'm not ready for winter). Here's five reasons I'm excited about autumn.

1. Soup: I just joined a dinner group, and the goal every time I cook is how to showcase my culinary skills in the cheapest manner. I could serve a casserole, but I'm snoody and, since cooking for people other than myself is a rare opportunity, I just can't pop chicken and rice into the oven. For all you mothers and not-stuck-up-foodie readers out there, please continue cooking casseroles. Casseroles are delicious!
    I've found that soup is the best bet. I can be healthy, culinary, and cheap in one dish. Oh, and most soups are easy and the exact right dish for curling up from blustery weather outside.

2. Gilmore Girls: Not quite ready to let go of summer? Watch a few episodes of Gilmore Girls, and soon enough their cute jackets and New England charm will put you right in the mood too watch for changing weather.

3. Books: Books are great all year round, but a perennial problem for many book lovers is that they also tend to be nature lovers. If you're like me, I love drinking in beauty around me and the outdoors seem to scream at me during the summer, making it impossible to snuggle into the beauty of a book. Thus, the joy of fall. Night comes earlier, and the hours of available outdoor time are diminished and replaced with a blanket and book party in your bed. Want a recommendation? I just started reading Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from My Kitchen Table, a memoir by Molly Wizenberg. In the first 30 pages, it's a beautiful, warm description of food, life, and relationships.

4. Holidays: There's a reason we have smashed a bunch of quality holidays in a few months' period. We need something to divide up the lengthy fall/winter season. It's easy to be excited about fall with Halloween and Thanksgiving a month apart from each other--and Christmas welcoming in winter a month after that. Try something new for Halloween and Thanksgiving if they aren't your favorite holidays. I don't normally like Halloween that much, but last year I made homemade candy for the first time, including this delicious recipe for Peppermint Patties. It made throwing a Halloween party a lot more fun for me.

5. Music: Like books, music can be enjoyed all year round, but there's a particular type of music that fills my mind with images of fall leaves and chilly breezes on my cheeks. It's the quiet guitar and mandolin strums of my Nickel Creek station on Pandora. Check out this video for an example:

Bonus: Not ready for the chill yet? Try a cup of tea. My awesome friend gave me Throat Coat--a herb tea for sore throats--but since it is just herbs, I drink it all the time now. It's a warm blend of cinnamon and licorice that warms you right up. Oh, and if you hate licorice, I do too--like detest it, but not in this tea. Yum!

Love ya, Steph!

Amanda Kae

What gets you excited about fall?


  1. Obviously the answer is to read books on the beach. Or read books in the shade of a tree. Both good.

    The best thing about fall is the clothes. Because it's cold enough to wear boots but not cold enough that you have to cover all of your clothes with the same coat that gets dirtier and dirtier as the season progresses only to forget its filthy in the spring and then you just shove it in the back of the closet.

    Sometimes run-on sentences.
    Almost as good as fragments.

  2. First, I love soup. It's the best ever. Second, I hate hate licorice, but I have been drinking licorice tea for years. I hardly try any other flavors because I still like it the best!

  3. First, I love soup. It's the best ever. Second, I hate hate licorice, but I have been drinking licorice tea for years. I hardly try any other flavors because I still like it the best!

  4. Plesiosaur--I forgot to mention fall clothes. There was something buzzing in my brain wanting to remembered on the list, and that was it. Oh well, your description is lovely!

    Emiline Harris--Isn't it crazy how good licorice tea is? It's a warm hug in a mug.

  5. Yesterday we had an all day and night rainstorm, which we haven't had in quite awhile. Able to wear jeans today, finally below the 90's, maybe Fall is finally coming. Fall means college football, Go Cougars, being able to go outside and really enjoy being outside, anticipation and preparation for the coming holidays, being able to put out the cinnamon scent makers, soups definitely, and all kinds of baking, and this fall being able to see the changing colors of leaves.

  6. New England is going to rock, Mom!
